Thriving together

Thriving together


Nature, environment, people: for Menz&Gasser it is important to play an active social role within our local community, ensure the wellbeing of our employees and remain committed to defending the environment with decisive actions, such as energy saving, reduced consumption and the use of energy from renewable sources. At our production plants in Novaledo and Sanguinetto we have been working to minimize the carbon emissions.

70%* CO2 Reduction

Biomass energy

Solar panels


Methane gas cogenerator

* compared to 2014.


Respect for the environment we live in is at the basis of our business and production choices: Menz&Gasser has invested 20 million euros in this area. The investment has gone towards the development of systems to produce our own, clean and renewable energy for electricity, heating and cooling, as well as the purchase of inverters, LED lighting and the latest control systems to reduce consumption. We have also limited water wastage as much as possible with the creation of a closed-circuit water-cooling system.


For Menz&Gasser our environment is a shared asset, which goes beyond the location of the company. It forms a real, deep bond with the natural, social and cultural surroundings. We are active supporters of organisations such as MUSE (the Trento Science Museum) and ARTESELLA (a contemporary art collection on display in a natural setting) and other initiatives that promote the landscapes, history and cuisine of our Trentino / South Tyrol region.


Always supporting the local community with bold actions and gestures, Menz&Gasser has, in 90 years of business, contributed to the success and organisation of various initiatives aimed at promoting exercise among children and young people.