16 November 2018
Menz&Gasser launches 100% recyclable buckets for confectionery and Ho.Re.Ca.

Menz&Gasser takes another important step forward in the pursuit of sustainability, as we keep reducing the environmental impact of our operations. As of now, all the buckets used for our confectionery and Ho.Re.Ca. products are 100% recyclable.
They are made from polypropylene, a fully recyclable plastic that is easy to recognise from the ‘PP’ symbol on the packaging. To ensure 100% recyclability for all our product lines in buckets, even the protective film that seals in the freshness is also made of PP. What’s more, the film is no longer transparent but blue, so users can clearly see if a piece of film happens to fall into the jam when they open the pack.
These new 100% recyclable-plastic buckets are Menz&Gasser’s latest innovation to serve our customers and do our bit to help save the planet.