27 November 2019
Menz&Gasser donates books to Novaledo school with the #ioleggoperché scheme

An army of teachers, booksellers and students have put their heart and soul into Italy’s biggest reading campaign: #ioleggoperché (“I read because”). They and the organisers, Associazione Italiana Editori (the Italian publishers association), can be rightly proud, as school libraries for pupils of all ages have welcomed donations of over 600,000 books to date.
Menz&Gasser is glad to have contributed. We’ve joined forces with the Piccola Libreria bookshop in Levico Terme to swell the library shelves at Novaledo primary school with titles on sustainability and a selection of volumes on animals and plants that engage the children with the beauty of the natural world.
After all, a love for nature, sustainable growth, and support for our local community have always been at the heart of all we do.