27 October 2017

Menz & Gasser Halloween treats by Loris Oss Emer

Halloween is coming, and Menz & Gasser has some sweet treats for kids and grown-ups alike. This recipe by renowned master confectioner Loris Oss Emer, who shares our passion for excellence and home-grown traditions, is sure to go down well.

To prepare some deliciously ghoulish goodies, just follow the recipe – don’t forget to keep our favourite ingredient to hand: our “Chef Professional” apricot preparation. This quality product made with 50% fruit makes an excellent filling and is highly stable at oven temperatures.

Happy Halloween!

Breton shortbread

  • 430 g soft flour
  • 85 g starch
  • 400 g butter
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • 60 g egg yolk
  • 4 g salt
  • zest of half a lemon

Work the flour and starch with the cold diced butter using a K-whisk until you obtain a sandy texture. Add the egg yolks, icing sugar, zest and salt. Let the mix stand in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Filling and decoration

  • 500 g 50%-fruit apricot jam for fillings and baking
  • 250 g desiccated coconut
  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • fat-soluble red and yellow colourings

For the spider webs:
Roll the pastry out until 3 mm thick; cut into small circles with a 5-cm-diameter biscuit cutter; cook for around 15Β mins at 165Β°C.
Fill half the circles with the jam; place the others on top, pressing down gently.
Dip the top half into the orange-coloured white chocolate. Sprinkle the coconut on, and decorate with dark chocolate to create a spider-web effect.

For the ghosts:
Make some little balls and place them in small half-sphere silicone moulds. Cook for around 15Β mins at 170Β°C. As soon as they come out of the oven, make a small hollow with the handle of a wooden spoon and fill with the jam.
Once they have cooled and become firm, warm some jam and brush a layer onto the outside.
Sprinkle the coconut on, and draw in the eyes using a dark-chocolate piping bag.