News & Press: Product News

JAMinJAR winner of Red Dot 2020

It’s finally time to start again. Despite everything, Italy is and remains the country of good food, good living, fashion and style. We are unanimously recognized as the country of beauty: landscapes,

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10 April 2021

The birth of the new SINE line: an Extra oven-baked jam with a fruit content of 60%

The new SINE line is the natural response to the increasing demand for quality and the trend for healthy eating. The name, which means “without” in Latin, hints at this product’s USP: the “clean” labl

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20 February 2020

Ever-flexible solutions from Menz&Gasser: the 4-single-portion pack now comes in assorted flavours.

Menz&Gasser has a new solution for the cluster of 4 single portions: now you can choose the 4 assorted flavours to make up your pack! It’s another advance in production flexibility for Menz&Ga

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12 December 2019

Discover the new flavour in the Edel range!

Menz&Gasser is extending its range of Edel jams. To add to the 7 flavours already available, there’s now an 8th for you to discover: blueberry, packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fib

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4 October 2019

JAM in JAR: the elegant, practical dispenser for hotels by Menz&Gasser

Great news for our hotelier customers, as Menz&Gasser is now offering JAM in JAR – the breakfast dispenser with a modern, practical design that adds a touch of elegance to every buffet display. Wi

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3 September 2019

To sell more sauces, add the key ingredient: information

International trends towards globalisation are continuing to influence dietary tastes and habits – and sauces are no exception. Through their travels, TV viewing and social-media habits, consumers are

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7 November 2018