News & Press: Company News

Menz&Gasser takes a stand on violence against women with WiRun Trento

Sunday 24 November sees the return of WiRun, the 5-km fun run in Trento to combat violence against women. Menz&Gasser is proud to support this important initiative again with Women in Run, the Ita

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23 November 2019

The European Week for Waste Reduction: if we each do our bit, we all benefit

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is now in its 11th year, and it’s happening from 16 to 24 November. The initiative was created to raise awareness about just how much waste we’re all produ

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22 November 2019

TEDxTrento: Menz&Gasser renews its support for the 7th edition

What will life be like in 2039? How will the world have changed around us? What new possibilities will have opened up? These and many other questions will be explored at FOCUS 2039, the 7th edition of

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15 November 2019

Youth sport and digital innovation: Menz&Gasser supports the ENAS Forum in Trento

From 3rd to 8th November, Trento University is hosting the 22nd Forum & Assembly of the European Network of Academic Sports Services (ENAS). Over 200 professionals working to promote and run unive

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5 November 2019

Menz&Gasser serves the needs of vegans and vegetarians

Vegans and vegetarians are now a significant slice of the world population that cannot be ignored. In Italy alone, they make up 7–8% of the community and have done for several years. Ever aware of our

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1 November 2019

The food intolerance demonstration tour for confectioners is now under way

Yesterday, Wednesday 30 October, the Hotel School in Cividale del Friuli near Udine hosted the first in a series of six events about food intolerances in the confectionery world. Allergies and intoler

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31 October 2019