We are pleased to be promoting the wonders of Trentino once more by teaming up again with the Vacanze in Baita association. Our region’s history and culture have always been inextricably linked with the mountains. It is an ever-evolving story, founded on principles of innovation, thoughtful hospitality, and a healthy respect for the environment.
These values have seen the area become a champion of sustainability and a standard-bearer for our food and wine tradition as a vital dimension of our quality of life. But above all, they have shaped the landscape by creating a sound balance between safeguarding the environment and driving social and economic development. The baita or hut is the signature Alpine dwelling. It embodies this ability to adapt to the natural world around us and to cherish it while enjoying all it has to offer.
Health, wellbeing and the joy of being together as a family are values we share with Vacanze in Baita, values that underpin the partnership we build every day. This year, the over 70 huts that the association provides throughout the province will be offering guests our Edel extra jam – for wherever Trentino is at its most genuine, that’s where you’ll find us, too.